This collection for introductory physics integrates lessons, labs, practice problems, assessments, AP review exercises, simulations, and quizzes in one easily-searched location.…
S. Chasteen, R. Pepper, S. Pollock, and K. Perkins, PERC 2011 Proceedings, 139-142.
We report on the process and outcomes from a four-year, eight-semester project to develop, establish, and maintain a new course approach in junior-level electricity and magnetism…
T. Goris and M. Dyrenfurth, Engineering Education: Frankly, We Do Give a D*mn (2013).
Effective instruction in Engineering and Technology requires knowledge of how students understand or lack understanding of key concepts in these disciplines. Incorrect mental models,…
M. McColgan, R. Finn, D. Broder, and G. Hassel, Phys. Rev. Phys. Educ. Res., 13 (020121) (2017).
We present the Electricity and Magnetism Conceptual Assessment (EMCA), a new assessment aligned with second-semester introductory physics courses. Topics covered include…