Materials Similar to VPython for Introductory Physics
- 58%: Phys 1403: An Inquiry-based Curriculum for the Introductory Algebra-based Physics Course - Semester 1
- 56%: Illinois PER: Introductory Course Materials
- 49%: Phys 1404: An Inquiry-based Curriculum for the Introductory Algebra-based Physics Course - Semester 2
- 47%: A Radically Modern Approach to Introductory Physics
- 47%: Classical Mechanics: An Introductory Course
- 44%: AAPT/PTRA Role of the Laboratory in Teaching Introductory Physics
- 42%: Assessing student written problem solutions: A problem-solving rubric with application to introductory physics
- 42%: Equity investigation of attitudinal shifts in introductory physics
- 42%: Secondary analysis of teaching methods in introductory physics: A 50 k-student study
- 42%: Reducing the gender gap in students’ physics self-efficacy in a team- and project-based introductory physics class