Materials Similar to PhET Simulation: Quantum Bound States
- 64%: PhET Simulation: Quantum Wave Interference
- 59%: PhET Simulation: Quantum Tunneling and Wave Packets
- 56%: PhET Simulation: Band Structure
- 55%: PhET Simulations: Quantum Phenomena
- 53%: PhET Simulation: Neon Lights & Other Discharge Lamps
- 51%: PhET Simulation: Double Wells and Covalent Bonds
- 50%: PhET Simulation: Fourier: Making Waves
- 49%: PhET Simulation: Lasers
- 48%: PhET Simulation: Davisson-Germer: Electron Diffraction
- 48%: PhET Simulation: Wave Interference
- 47%: PhET Simulation: Photoelectric Effect
- 47%: PhET Simulation: Semiconductors
- 47%: Developing and Researching PhET simulations for Teaching Quantum Mechanics
- 45%: 1D Quantum States Applet
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- 44%: PhET Simulation: Density
- 44%: PhET HTML5 Simulations