Spectroscopy Lab Suite Relations

PSRC Related Resources

Spectroscopy Lab Suite contains Creating an Energy Level to Model LEDs
relation created by Bruce Mason

This activity is used to establish the connection between band structure and observable spectra

Spectroscopy Lab Suite contains Gas Spectroscopy
relation created by Bruce Mason

Gas Lamp Emission is an example of spectroscopy of gasseous media.

Spectroscopy Lab Suite contains Infrared Detector: Card Model
relation created by Bruce Mason

The Infrared Detector builds on the connection between spectra and band structure to show how an infrared detector card works

Spectroscopy Lab Suite contains Ruby Laser
relation created by Bruce Mason

The Ruby Laser activity offers a simple introduction to the role of transitions between energy bands in laser spectra.

Spectroscopy Lab Suite is referenced by Hydrogen Spectroscopy
relation created by Bruce Mason

Hydrogen Spectrum uses the spectroscopy lab to connect observed spectra to transitions between atomic energy levels.

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