Cornell Physics 213: Information Literacy Worksheets Documents

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Main Document
Cornell Physics: Information Literacy
written by
Pat Viele and Richard Wheeler
These worksheets provide student exercises in finding and evaluating web resources for physics classes. The activities include web searches on particular topics or questions that arise in class and careful evaluation of web resources identified by the instructors. Students are encouraged to consider issues such as the author, hosting organization, time of updates, and functionality of the web site. General questions about information reliability on the web are provided in the final assignment.
These materials were developed for a class in Thermodynamics and Electrodynamics, but could easily be modified for any topic.
- Download Cornell_Phys213-05-Assignment01.docx - 13kb Word Document
Published June 1, 2005
Last Modified April 13, 2010
Supplemental Documents (3)
Assignment 2
This worksheet contains another example of a directed web search regarding a topic in the class.
- Download Phys213-Assignment02.doc - 28kb Word Document
Released under a Copyright, Richard Wheeler. Can be used for non-commercial purposes.
Published June 1, 2005
Last Modified April 13, 2010
Assignment 3
This worksheet requires students to evaluate instructor-supplied web sites for accuracy, usability, and use as a teaching tool.
- Download Phys213-Assignment03.doc - 32kb Word Document
Released under a Copyright, Richard Wheeler. Freely available for non-commercial uses.
Published June 1, 2005
Last Modified April 13, 2010
Assignment 4
This worksheet helps student consider the fluent and efficient use of internet information sources.
- Download Phys213-Assignment04.doc - 34kb Word Document
Released under a Copyright, Richard Wheeler. Can be used for non-commercial purposes.
Published June 1, 2005
Last Modified April 13, 2010