Just Can't Be Done: Four Year Degrees Plans, Full Internal Funding, and Other Secrets for Doubling Science and Math Teacher Graduates. Documents
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Just Can't Be Done: Four Year Degrees Plans, Full Internal Funding, and Other Secrets for Doubling Science and Math Teacher Graduates.
written by
Michael Marder
In thinking about how to increase the number and quality of teachers universities produce, there is usually a tension between actions that seem necessary in order to benefit future teachers and the realities of how large universities work. This workshop presentation outlines the experience building the UTeach program at UT Austin and explores ways to change institutional realities and find more teachers. Topics include assembling qualified personnel, persuading administrators to provide needed resources, constructing degree plans that allow students to obtain certification and a major at the same time, and dealing with the huge range of student attitudes and qualities one inevitably encounters both in undergraduates and post-baccalaureate candidates.
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Published March 20, 2007
Last Modified March 23, 2007